Monday, May 12, 2014

5) - Social Cognitive Theory

Social cognitive theory defines learning as an internal mental process that may or may not be reflected in immediate behavioral change (Bandura, 1986).

In this theory;

  • People learn by observing others.
  • Learning is internal
  • Learning is Goal-directed behaviour.

 People emphasize on learning by
         - Observing
         - Modeling
         - Experience - reinforcement (learn experience from others)

Note! This theory identifies human behaviour as an interaction of personal factors, behaviourism and environment.

Modelling - Modeling is a general term that refers to behavioral, cognitive, and affective changes deriving from observing one or more models. There are 3 types of modelling: - (1) Direct modelling, (2) Symbolic modelling, and (3) Synthesized modelling.

Reciprocal Causation/Determination
Learning involves the interaction of several factors, such as behavior, environment, storing information in memory and personal factors (i.e., beliefs & expectations: e.g., relevant to ability).  Such interactive effects are considered "mutually influencing" -- usually referred to as reciprocal causation / determination. For Bandura, it is through the observations of models that an individual's perceptions and actions influence their cognitive development.

Example.: You get a low score on an algebra test (environmental factor) which influences your belief (personal factor) about your ability to do algebra. Your belief, in turn, influences your behavior -- in this case, it's your study habits -- and your behavior influences the environment -- in this case, you got a tutor to help you study

Please! feel free to press the below link to get more about this theory

Bandura - Bobo Doll Study
bobo doll study
Bandura (1961) conducted a study to investigate if social behaviors (i.e. aggression) can be acquired by imitation.
24 Children watched an adult model behave aggressively towards a blow up toy called a bobo doll. Another 24 children were exposed to a non-aggressive model and the final 24 child were used as a control group and not exposed to any model at all

Please feel free to press the link below to get more about the above theory

Application in Learning and Teaching
General educational implications of cognitive theories: 
1. Cognitive processes influence learning.
2. Learning difficulties often indicate ineffective or inappropriate cognitive processes, especially for children with learning disabilities, who tend to process information less effectively. Therefore, teachers need to be aware that all students are trying to learn something, as well as what they are trying to learn.
3. As children grow, they become capable of increasingly more sophisticated thought.
4. People organize the things they learn. Therefore, teachers can facilitate students' learning by presenting information in an organized manner. This organization should reflect students' previous knowledge and show how one thing relates to the other (i.e., helping students understand and make connections).
5. New information is most easily acquired when people can associate it with things they have already learned. Teachers should then show how new ideas relate to previous learning.
6. People control their own learning. Ultimately students, not their teachers, determine what things will be learned and how they will be learned.

This theory emphasizes that students  learning involve interaction factors. It might be the environment or behaviour or even personal factors etc. These interaction factors influence students to behave in a certain way. Learning emphasize on observing, modeling and experience by others. The students learn though observation of models that an individuals perceptions and actions influence their cognitive development. This is known to be "reciprocal determination".

Therefore as we educators should identify the students learning behaviour and try to modify our lesson according to it. It will help students gain maximum out of the lesson we deliver them in the classroom environment.

Please feel free to press the link below to get more about this theory.

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